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  Drafting With More or Less Than 8

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Author Topic:   Drafting With More or Less Than 8
posted February 23, 2016 01:20 PM   Click Here to See the Profile for superpup Click Here to Email superpup Send a private message to superpup Click to send superpup an Instant MessageVisit superpup's Homepage  Edit/Delete Message Reply With Quote View superpup's Have/Want ListView superpup's Have/Want List
Curious from experienced drafters on how big of a deal it is to do a booster draft with a number other than 8 people (say 6,7, or 9 people).

As a kitchen table player, it doesn't seem like too big of a deal to me, but maybe someone could provide more perspective. I realize it impacts how cards cycle around, and there would be a change in number of packs opened and unique cards seen, but ultimately all the players would still see the same number of cards as each other player, and end up with the same amount at the end of the draft.

With our informal play group, it is hard too know for sure how many people will show up, but would hate to cancel doing a draft because we have a number of people other than the norm.

Perhaps your answer depends on if it is a casual draft vs something where prizes come out of it?

On a big tangent, I see that a new Conspiracy set is coming out... surprised to see that with Eternal Masters also being a special set in the summer.

posted February 23, 2016 01:55 PM   Click Here to See the Profile for dfitzg88 Click Here to Email dfitzg88 Send a private message to dfitzg88 Click to send dfitzg88 an Instant Message Edit/Delete Message Reply With Quote View dfitzg88's Have/Want ListView dfitzg88's Have/Want List
Originally posted by superpup:
Curious from experienced drafters on how big of a deal it is to do a booster draft with a number other than 8 people (say 6,7, or 9 people).

It rewards everyone at the table who know the pick order and watch what colors are open. All in all, you end up with about the same number of playables as long as you have 6 people.

the pairings need to be adjusted obviously. If we end up with a 6 man table, we usually drop the 2-0 and 0-2 after the second round as 1st and last place and let the 1-1s play it out if there additional prizes in the pool.

posted February 23, 2016 02:23 PM   Click Here to See the Profile for iccarus Click Here to Email iccarus Send a private message to iccarus Click to send iccarus an Instant Message Edit/Delete Message Reply With Quote 
I'm not a big fan of six players, as the card pool tends to be pretty shallow and it can be very unforgiving if some players wait too long to settle into a deck. I don't think I've ever been very excited about a deck I've drafted in a six-man.

Ten players is chaotic and almost impossible to read signals in, but some of my best decks have come out of those pods because of the six extra packs in the mix (such as the 3x Oblivion Strike deck I had a couple weeks ago in a 10-man).

Draft formats are largely designed with eight players in mind. I prefer that when I sit down, but I understand it's not always possible.

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